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Greenwich BannerWeb System
Admissions Login - New User
International Online Application Form
Choose the University of Greenwich Partner Institution you wish study at.
Institution Code:
Contact the University of Greenwich Partner Institution you wish to study at to obtain the Institution code.
Login ID:
Your Login ID can be a combination of letters and numbers up to 9 characters long.
   - Your Login ID is case sensitive and must be unique to you.
   - If the Login ID already exists you will be prompted to choose again.
Your PIN must be six numeric characters.
Forgotten details:
If you already have an Online Application account with the University of Greenwich but have forgotten your Login ID and / or PIN please contact local institution
- select institution -
Academy of Finance
Chenning Education and Investment and Management Co. Ltd. (Beijing)
Chenning Education and Investment and Managment Co. Ltd. (Shanghai)
Cyber Academy, Zambia
Daffodil International Academy
Denning (GEMS) - Karachi
FPT Can Tho
FPT University, Hanoi, Vietnam
FPT University,Ho Chi Minh,Vietnam
FPT, Da Nang
Gia Dinh University, Vietnam
Hong Kong Management Assoc
IPMC College of Technology, Ghana
Inst for Intl Finance Education
KMD, Myanmar
London School of Business & Finance, Singapore
MCC Yatanarpon
MCC, Mandalay
MCC, Myanmar
National College of Information Technology, Blantyre
National College of Information Technology, Lilongwe
New York College, Athens
New York College, Thessaloniki
Oshwal College
Pioneer Institute of Business & Technology, Sri Lanka
SBCS College, Champs Fleurs
SEGi College of Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
SEGi College, Penang, Malaysia
SEGi College, Sarawak
SEGi College, Subang Jaya, Malaysia
Saxion University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
TMC Academy, Singapore
The British College
The Xcel Institute
Unisoft IT Ltd, Hong Kong
University of Modern Sciences & Arts, Cairo
University of New York, Tirana, Albania
Yunnan University of Finance & Economics, China
ZUYD University of Applied Sciences
Zambia Centre of Accountancy Studies
Institution Code
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